It all started with an article in LA Times by Esmeralda Bermudez.
It was one of the first things I read upon arriving in LA last week.
It made me want to meet Javier Prado.
Yesterday I was driving Downtown and sure enough,
Javier was by his Lake Backdrop in Mac Arthur Park when I approached him.
Javier has photographed park visitors all his life but his real ambition is to become a (famous) singer.
His camera is still his first, and he taped it all over to enable among others double exposure souvenir images.
"The only reason the whole world doesn't know who I am is because they didn't let me talk or sing."=
This friday night he and his band will be rehearsing on a parking lot and I will go film them.
I want to make another few portraits during my time here at Otis:
a) Rich, who owns two and nearly three garages full of records,
and organizes bi-monthly conventions that attract the world's most obssesive collectors.
b) The men (and occasionally women) holding up signs along the road;
especially the ones that juggle them high above their heads.
The Weatherhouse Project is the working title of my research project and it refers to a (hypothetical) house on wheels that absorbs, processes and emits the atmosphere of different neighborhoods of LA. It's inspired by LA's manifold climate, from fresh and gloomy by the sea to super hot inland.
To be continued!
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