Chris said he'd take me to a place where
you can't SEE the OCEAN but you KNOW you're VERY CLOSE.
He was right. The ocean was the breeze, the light, the softened asfalt even.
The Wetlands, a protected area, popular with bird and bird spotters.
The towers in the morning fog are Downtown LA.
Downtown! Airborne! Awesome! Venice Beach! Brussels sprouts!
Pineapple Coriander! For your convenience!
Where does everything sound SO COOL here.
... AND LOOK so cool.
Re-read Robert Venturi's (awesome!) Learning from Las Vegas on the way here.
It all still makes so much sense:
- the ugly and the ordinary as alternative, aesthetic paradigm of design;
- an inclusive form of design, integrating the profane and the sacred;
- the building-becoming-sculpture versus the shed-decorated-as-sign;
Another proof that an in-depth, personal analysis of a place is of timeless value.
Otis College of Art and Design, my host until July 23rd.
More about my residency here in the next Daily.
(The LA Daily is released Now and Then, when content asks for it, unlike its name might suggest)
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