The sound of a city.
Towards the end of my stay in Los Angeles many asked me about how I felt about the city. What had been "highlights". I could only say - I don't know yet. I had too many impressions, stretched out over too vast, loosely tied places. But when the plane finally took off and circled above the beaches and mountain ranges, scaling down all those endless stretches of concrete city life down to seemingly random patterns, the name Los Angeles all of sudden took on a particular sound and colour - made up of the persons I had met and the beautiful spots they had taken me to, filled with the feeling of driving-drifting around and never quite arriving anywhere, and fed with the over sophisticated vegan food my body had a hard time to digest. Shaped also by all the things I didn't get to do and see, and at the same time inhabited by the need to be home again, to stay put, to give my mind some rest. Los Angeles city of longing in the land of plenty. Its cemetery is called Hollywood Forever.
Another city for another life
You can ride my car baby
Nobody walks in LA
Keep the speed limit
Even in the desert
Cause the sheriff sees everything
Pilot car follow me
It's true
Isn't it just great?
Life has a mind of its own
LA woman
LA /Los Angeles - what's the difference?
You move me
Wipe me out
Terrific. Awesome. Grand.
Why do fools fall in love
Ask us anything vacancy gas aspirin
You are our best customers
I want you to want me
You only need to remember one word: radiator
Thank god for Airco
Airco ruins everything
City of needs city of wants city of must-haves
The valley is another thing
Most people go the other way but I go South
Hungry valley
Cool beer
Great beer comes with great responsibility
Ocean scenic view
How many billboards
Merging the sacred and the profane
Family Dollar - Friendly Dollar - Million Dollar - Dollar Daze
The biggest problem - having to get the story before the content
I just wanted to become a famous singer
It's all about fan culture
Beauty Supplies
Spread and enclose
She called me the wild card
The detour is part of it
This is my shortcut to everything
Unlawful to disturb
This is where I do all my thinking
Can you believe it
Go back one exit
They're true they're here they're American
The biggest insult was when they told me I had turned white
Galloping bungalows
Girls girls girls
Cleaners cleaners cleaners
Buildings as movie sets
Beautiful people
Peanuts or pretzels
When you hit the pavement hit it smart
Merge left
You just missed us
How to transform a man into a rock or similar object
If at first you don't succeed, celebrate
You can move around for days without really being there
It's about you, not about knowledge
The big project for me is the living and breathing one
There is no plan
(That would take all the fun out)
This we know
Three chords is all it takes
You'll see that you were making sense all the time but you just didn't see it
(A collection of thoughts and sayings, sampled from the street, the radio, some lyrics, exhibitions, my mind, readings and talks this July. Thank you Benoît, Kali, Robert, Denise, Hedi, Jonathan, Hazel, Andy, Rem, Gilbert, Rich, Daniel, Vinca, John, Constant, Sarmishta, Signer, Sudeshna, Hammer, Jurassic, Javier, Leslie, Katy, and many more for your words)
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