On a super sunny Sunday, May 16th, Bas Princen* took to me see Wall/Muur by LOD at the former 'rangeerterrein' at Tour&Taxis in Brussels; Office designed a one piece décor, a circular wall, like a 'point de fuite', een 'nulpunt', an enclosed zero point. My iphone, just like my mind, was a little overwhelmed & sun burnt that day– perhaps that explains the deep impression the afternoon made on me.
The brightly colored actors moving amidst the public represented two generations, the first built the wall fourty years ago, and the second was on the point of violently taking over their ideals. The audience dwelled around the wall, guided by the dialogues on their headphones, in search of the action and never quite falling in pace with it. The voices so close and yet so far gave an intimate sense of the history of this imaginary place of (be)longing. It made me enjoy the whole piece without necessarily wanting to catch all of it. A kind of associative, dream-like narrative.
One sentence I liked especially was
In het begin en het einde is er niets en daartussenin wordt alles opnieuw steeds uitgevonden.
*Bas has been photographing Office's work for some years. This year their collaboration is the basis of a special duo show at the Venice Architecture Biennale, where the photographs of Bas will be juxtaposed to OFFICE's collages.
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